Live Demo for SMB e-commerce Businesses with Webnexs

Here in this article, I would like to share few information regarding Live Demo Support for SMB e-commerce business with Webnexs.

Live Demo for SMB e-commerce Businesses:

Getting into SMB e-commerce businesses is a grand way to start own business, when the budget is limited. There are several ways to start SMB e-commerce businesses, but selecting up the best e-commerce platform is a hard one for the people doing SMB e-commerce businesses. To make the clients ultra convenient, then offering them with Live Demo is a best one. Webnexs presents Live Demo for the clients to building up the customer’s trust. BY logging into the Super Admin login, clients will be showed with the processes taken out in e-commerce.

Navigation Menu available in the Demo page:

  • Dashboard
  • Catalog
  • Orders
  • Customers
  • Price Rules
  • Shipping
  • Preferences
  • Stats


Dashboard displays the overall action taken over on the stores in an uncomplicated way. Admin can outlook the total activities taken by the customers while visiting the stores on daily, monthly, yearly basis or by comparing some date range also. Graphical representation regarding Traffic, Conversion, Average Cart Value and sales detail also illustrated. View the number of visitors and active shopping cart in last few minutes. Be able to Add more dashboard modules.

Catalog Management

Catalog management means to efficiently manage the products, categories and product attributes.

  • Products:

Admin can overview the % of Out of Stock items, % of Average Gross Margin, % of Purchased References for past 30days and % of Disabled Products. Overall product details ID, image, name, reference, default shop, base price, final price, quantity and status can be viewed and modified. Able to add new product.

  • Categories:

Admin be capable of outlook the Disabled categories, Empty Categories, Top category on basis of past 30 days and Average number of products per category. Categories details such as ID, name, descriptions and displayed can be viewed and modified. Add new root category and Add category options are available here.

  • Product Attributes:

In product attributes admin can add new attribute and add new value. Product Attributes details ID, name, values count and position can be observed and altered.

  • Manufacturers:

Displays Manufacturers details such as ID, Logo, Name, Addresses, Products, and Enabled. Also about Manufacturers Addresses details such as ID, manufacturer, first name, last name, Zip/postal code, city and country also can be edited. Admin can include new manufacturer and new manufacturer address.

  • Suppliers:

Admin able to add new supplier and suppliers details can be viewed and changed here by their ID, Logo, Name, Number of products and Enabled.

Orders Management

Orders management means to view and manage orders taken by the customers.

  • Orders:

Here admin can view abandoned cart for today, then conversion rate %, Average order value and net profit per visit for the past 30 days. Order details such as ID, Reference, New client, Delivery, Customer, Total, Payment, Status, Date, PDF and shop can be examined and revised.

  • Invoices:

Put on view about by date between from and to dates, by order status includes order statuses such as Awaiting bank wire payment, canceled, delivered, failed, payment accepted, pending and more options. Invoice options includes Enable invoices, tax breakdown and product image, can invoice number, model and more can be altered.

  • Merchandise Returns:

Admin can view the merchandise returns in detailed way such as returned merchandise ID, Order ID, Status and Issued date. Merchandise return (RMA) i.e.)Return Merchandise Authorization options such as enable returns, time limit validity and returns prefix can be modified.

  • Delivery Slips:

By entering from and to dates the admin can print PDF delivery slips. Can change the delivery slips options such as Delivery Prefix, Delivery number and Enabling product image.

  • Statuses:

Admin can add both new order status and new order return status. Can outlook the statuses information’s such as ID, Name, Icon, Send email to customer, Delivery, Invoice and Email template. Also about Return Statuses such as ID and Name.

  • Order Messages:

Admin can add new order message and able to view and edit the available order messages information’s such as ID, name and messages.

Customers Management

Customers management means to view and manage the customers details.

  • Customers:

Here the total number of customers, customers average age, Order customers and Newsletter Registrations for overall time can be viewed. Admin can view and manage the customers details including their social title, first name, last name, Email address, registration and more.

  • Addresses:

Admin can add new address and allowed to view and rework the customer addresses details such as First name, Last name, Addresses, Zip/Postal code, City and country.

  • Groups:

Groups are classified into three such as Visitors, Guests and customers. Admin can Add new group and can analyze the available group details such as group name, percentage, members and more.

  • Shopping Carts:

Carts can be exported by the admin. Conversion Rate, Average Order Value, Net Profit Per Visit for past 30 days can be viewed and abandoned carts can be sighted for any period of time. Shopping Carts details also be inspected.

  • Contacts:

Admin can Add new contact and view the available details such as title, mail address and descriptions.

  • Titles:

New title can be added by the admin and can view and modify the given details about social title, gender and image.

Price Rules

Price Rules includes Cart Rules, Catalog Price Rules and marketing. Admin can Add new cart rules and the cart rules details such as name, priority code and more can be viewed and altered. New Catalog Price Rule can also be added and details can be out looked and modified. In marketing modules list can be viewed.


Shipping includes Carriers and Preferences. New Carrier can be added here and overall carrier information’s will be showed such as Name, Logo, Delay, Status, Free shipping and Position. In preferences Handling charges and free shipping at $ and Kg can be viewed and carriers options such as Default carrier, sort by and order by will be showed.


Preferences includes SEO & URLs and CMS.

  • SEO & URLs:

A new page can be added by the Admin. Friendly URL, Accepted URL, Redirect to the Canonical URL, Disable Apache’s Multiviews options and Disable Apache’s mod-security module to setup URLs. Can set Shop URL, Robots File Generation and Schema of URLs includes Route to products, category, supplier, manufacturer, CMS page, CMs category and modules.

  • CMS:

A new CMS category and a new CMS page can be added here. In Categories Name, Description, Position and Displayed details will be showed. Pages in category “Home” show the information’s about URL, Title, Position and more.

Stats Management

Stats management is to view and manage the overall information’s in a statistical way which includes Stats, Search Engines and Referrers.

  • Stats:

Stats will show the statistical information’s about Best Categories, Best Customers, Best Manufacturers, Best Suppliers, Best Vouchers, Best Selling products, Browsers and operating systems, Carrier distribution, Catalog evaluation, Catalog Statistics, Customer accounts, Newsletter, Pages not found, Product details, Registered Customer Information, Sales and Orders, Search Engine Keywords, Shop Search, Stats Dashboard, Visitors Online, Visitors origin, Visits and Visitors.

  • Search Engines:

New search engine can be added by the Admin. Search engines overall particulars will be displayed here with ID, Server and GET variable.

  • Referrers:

Admin can Add new referrer. Available referrer’s particulars can be viewed and modified here. Can view particular period of referrers. Indexing, Cache and Settings options also be presented.

Click here to know about for SMB e-commerce business with Webnexs Or Contact Webnexs for further information.


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